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Storm Warning

Indiana Storm Warning: Severe weather and damaging winds are expected for Evansville and the surrounding area tonight, possibly producing tornadoes and large hail. Please be patient, take precautions, follow advisories, and, above all, stay safe. Be assured that when weather events threaten our area, we take appropriate measures to monitor and respond to the possible impact of the storm. More

Storm Warning

Illinois Storm Warning: Severe weather and damaging winds are expected for Chicago and the surrounding area tonight, possibly producing tornadoes and large hail. Please be patient, take precautions, follow advisories, and, above all, stay safe. Be assured that when weather events threaten our area, we take appropriate measures to monitor and respond to the possible impact of the storm. More

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Rate increases

How Does This Happen?

Did you know that 90% of all TV channels are owned by only 7 companies...

Seven multi-billion-dollar corporations own or control about 90% of existing TV networks.

These seven companies own most of the networks you want, as well as many of those you don’t – and they won’t let you have the most-popular networks unless you get the less-popular ones, too. Its simple economics: they need more viewers for these less-popular networks to increase their subscriber fees and their advertising fees so that they make more money.

Another trend has developed where Network or Station owners are dictating how and what networks we sell our customers, limiting your choice and control. In addition to huge fee increases, their demands include bundling their family of networks on our most popular and widely distributed TV tiers and packages. That means you’d be forced to pay for channels you do not want and are not asking for – channels that have little or low viewership.

We strive to provide the best TV choices, at a value that makes sense for you and your family as well as networks you request the most.

What happens if TV providers don’t accept the Networks’ packaging rules?

The Network may launch a public dispute. Oftentimes, you’ll hear the Network say that they’re asking for only “pennies a day.” That may sound reasonable at first, but let’s do the math…

Say for instance you have a TV package that includes 70 channels. Assume each Network or Station owner is asking for a $0.03 increase per channel, per day.

Example: $0.03 x 70 channels x 30 days = $63.00 EXTRA per month added to your bill – that’s outrageous.

Astound channel negotiations how this happens graph

Not all services, speeds, packages, equipment, channels, tiers, pricing, streaming services, product offerings and product features are available in all areas. Offers valid only for new residential customers or previous customers with account in good standing who have not had our service within the last 60 days. All names, logos, images and service marks are property of their respective owners. Other restrictions may apply.